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内蒙古临河区巴彦淖尔市第一中学2015-2016学年高一下学期4月月考 英语试题(国际班)
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  • 资源类别试卷
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  • 适用年级高一年级
  • 文件大小593 K
  • 更新时间2016/4/26 18:50:01
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内蒙古临河区巴彦淖尔市第一中学2015-2016学年高一下学期4月月考 英语试题(国际班)
第一部分:完形填空: (共15小题,每小题1分,共计15分)
Mike was a little boy. One day Mike went with his father to a small town to 1 his grandparents. __2 the train, Mike put his head out of the window every minute. His father said, "Mike, be 3 ! Don't put your head out of the window!" But Mike didn't 4 his father and went on putting his head out of the window. His father could do 5 .
Then Mike's father wanted to 6 a joke on his son. He took Mike's cap quietly, hid it 7 his back and said, "You see, your cap has 8 away. " Mike touched his head and it was really gone. The boy looked 9 and then he began to cry. He wanted to get his cap back.
"Don't worry, son. " said his father, "I have a strange 10 to get your cap back. " __11 can you get it back?" asked Mike in surprise.
His father said, "Close your eyes and whistle(吹口哨) once, and maybe your cap will come back. " Mike came 12 to the window, closed his eyes and whistled. Just at that 13 , his father quickly put the cap on the son's head.
"Oh! It was 14!" Mike laughed. He was pleased, then he quickly took his father's cap and 15 it out of the window. "Now it is your turn to whistle, Dad!" he said happily.
( ) 1.A. look B. see C. watch D. notice
( )2.A. At B. Of C. To D. In
( )3.A. care B. careful C. carefully D. careless
( )4.A. hear of B. listen C. hear D. listen to
( )5.A. nothing B. anything C. some D. any
( )6. A. do B. work C. play D. take
( )7.A. before B. behind C. after D. at

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