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甘肃省嘉峪关市一中2015-2016学年高一下学期期中考试 英语试题
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甘肃省嘉峪关市一中2015-2016学年高一下学期期中考试 英语试题
第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
Every country has its own unique holidays, so does Thailand. One of them is King’s Birthday, which is a national holiday. On this day, each city is decorated with bright colored lights, and in the evenings the Thai walk around together looking at the decorations. Traditional dishes and family favorites are eaten, and meals always include steamed whole chicken with hot pepper dipping sauce and sliced roast pig’s head.
New Year’s Day is also important in Thailand. Brown eggs are boiled and then cooked in soy sauce, sugar, fish sauce and five spices. These eggs represent good life in the coming year. The Thai will also eat special egg rolls, dipped in nam pla prig, a sweet and sour sauce. Decorations for the New Year include fruit like bananas, coconuts, pineapples and papayas.
Songkran is a three-day water festival that comes in April. For this holiday, people douse each other and everything they have with water in thanks for rain and in the hope of good luck. April is the hottest month in Thailand, so this festival is refreshing and fun. The celebrations also include a big dinner, at which curries, usually yellow ones, and long noodles are eaten. These noodles symbolize long life.
Loy Krathong is a November holiday that involves making bamboo boats and putting lighted candles into them. As these little boats float down the river, they are supposed to carry away sin and pay honour to the spirits of the water. After watching the boats, people eat a large meal that includes grilled chicken, fish, coconut and egg yolks. No matter what they are celebrating, Thai holidays always include family and good food.
1. What would be the best title for this passage?
A. Songkran and Loy Krathong in the coming Year.
B. How the King Celebrates His Birthday
C. Special Activities on Holidays
D. Festivals in Thailand
2. What can be seen on King’s Birthday?
A. Roasted pig’s head and grilled chicken
B. Long noodles served with dipping sauce
C. Towns decorated with coloured lights.
D. Dinner tables filled with traditional eggs.

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