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(外研版)2020版高考总复习高考提能练(二十三)必修4(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本外研版(现行教材)
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小275 K
  • 更新时间2019/7/18 18:57:00
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[2019·重庆第三次调研]A five­year­old dog named Kelsey has been praised as a hero for helping to save the life of her owner who slipped in the snow and broke his neck.
The man, Bob, was alone when he left his Michigan farmhouse on New Year's Eve to collect firewood. Expecting a journey of only several meters, Bob was wearing just long johns (衬裤), a shirt and slippers when he went outside, although the temperature was around -4℃.
After the accident, he was unable to move in the snow. Fortunately, Kelsey came to his assistance.
“I was shouting for help, but my nearest neighbor is about 400 meters away, and it was 10:30 pm, ” Bob explained. “But my Kelsey came. By the next morning, my voice was gone and I couldn't yell for help, but Kelsey didn't stop barking.”
Kelsey's companion kept him warm by lying on top of him. She licked his face and hands to keep him awake. “Kelsey kept barking but never left my side,” Bob recalled. “She kept me warm. I knew I couldn't give up and that it was my choice to stay alive.”
Bob spent 20 hours in the freezing cold. When he finally lost consciousness, his dog kept barking. Finally, hearing the barking, Bob's neighbor discovered him at 6:30 pm on New Year's Day and called the emergency services at once. When Bob arrived in hospital, his body temperature was below 21℃. However, doctors were surprised to find that he didn't have any frostbite (冻疮). They believed it was because of Kelsey's determination to keep him warm. Dr. Chaim Colen, the doctor who treated Bob, said, “Animals can help and his dog really saved him... He was very fortunate.”
Bob said he was “enormously” grateful to both Dr. Colen and his Kelsey. “They saved my life. They are truly heroes!”
体裁:记叙文 题材:人与动物 主题:忠犬守护主人
【语篇解读】 本文讲述了一只叫Kelsey的狗狗在主人Bob不慎在雪地中滑倒伤到脖子无法动弹时,用身体为主人取暖,并且还不断吠叫希望能引起别人的注意,最终Bob获救。
【难句分析】 Expecting a journey of only several meters, Bob was wearing just long johns (衬裤), a shirt and slippers when he went outside, although the temperature was around -4℃.
分析:这是一个复合句。Expecting a journey of only several meters为现在分词短语作状语;主句中有一个when引导的时间状语从句及although引导的让步状语从句。
1.What happened to Bob on New Year's Eve?
A. He left his dog alone in his farmhouse.
B. He was praised for saving a dog owner.
C. He broke his neck and couldn't move.
D. He heard his neighbor's shouting for help.
答案与解析:C 考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“who slipped in the snow and broke his neck”及第三段中的“After the accident, he was unable to move in the snow”可知,Bob在雪地中滑倒伤到了脖子,不能动了,故选C项。
2.Why did Kelsey keep barking?
A.To keep warm.
B.To stay alive.
C.To keep Bob awake.
D.To seek help from others.
答案与解析:D 考查推理判断。根据第四段中的“By the next morning, my voice was gone and I couldn't yell for help, but Kelsey didn't stop barking”可推知,Kelsey一直叫的目的是找人来帮助主人,故选D项。
3.How does Dr. Chaim Colen feel about Kelsey?
A.Helpful.  B.Fortunate.
C.Grateful.   D.Friendly.
答案与解析:A 考查推理判断。根据倒数第二段中的“Dr. Chaim Colen, the doctor who treated Bob, said, ‘Animals can help and his dog really saved him... He was very fortunate’”可知,Chaim Colen医生认为动物能提供帮助,Bob的狗救了Bob。因此Chaim Colen医生认为Kelsey是有帮助的,故选A项。
4.What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.A Neck­breaking Accident
B.The Magic Night
C.Warmth on a Winter's Night
D.Determination to Keep Alive
答案与解析:C 考查主旨大意。通读全文内容并根据倒数第二段中的“However, doctors were surprised to find that he didn't have any frostbite (冻疮). They believed it was because of Kelsey's determination to keep him warm”可知,Bob在寒冷的夜里衣着单薄却没有任何冻疮是因为他的狗用身体不停地温暖他,故C项“冬夜里的温暖”作文章标题最合适。
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