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(外研版)2020版高考总复习高考提能练(三)必修1(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本外研版(现行教材)
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小272 K
  • 更新时间2019/7/18 19:00:53
    下载统计今日0 总计5
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[2019·昆明调研] Nine months ago, I was packing my daughter's backpack with new school supplies, wondering how I was going to send her off to kindergarten. I stood on the playground, tears pouring down my face because I wasn't ready for this first day of kindergarten — but she was ready. Today I will be standing on the playground, once again with tears, because this precious time went by too quickly. This week I realized that I never told you “thank you”. I don't know how to express a mother's thanks in the way a teacher deserves.
We first met you at the open house the week before school started and I immediately knew you would be the type of teacher we would appreciate forever. While the students lined up for the day, you touched each one on the shoulder as you greeted them. If a student was having a tough morning, you quietly held his hand and walked him into the school.
I got to know you as I volunteered in the lunch room. You made sure your students were all ready for lunch before you went on your own lunch break. You kept track of their big things and small things, because as a veteran kindergarten teacher, you know that the small things are the big things. I loved the way you made each student feel special. You helped them fall in love with school, which is so important at the start.
To all of the teachers in the world who are like you, I wish you knew how grateful parents are for you. We adore you, respect you, and appreciate you. We don't tell you enough — we probably don't tell you ever. I wish we could take you with us to the next 12 grades.
体裁:记叙文 题材:家校关系 主题:感激师恩
【语篇解读】 本文主要描述了一位幼儿妈妈表达对幼儿园老师的感激。
1.Why did the author's tears come down on her daughter's first day of kindergarten?
A.She hadn't made full preparations for her daughter.
B.Her daughter wasn't willing to go to kindergarten.
C.She felt worried about her daughter's being away.
D.Her daughter wasn't familiar with the teachers.
答案与解析:C 考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“I stood on the playground, tears pouring down my face because I wasn't ready for this first day of kindergarten — but she was ready”可知,作者落泪的原因是自己心里未做好面对孩子离开自己去上幼儿园的事实的准备。故C项为正确答案。根据第一段首句中的“Nine months ago, I was packing my daughter's backpack with new school supplies”可知,作者对孩子入园前的各项物品的准备是充分的,故A项错误;B、D两项均为无中生有。
2.The author noticed the teacher's characteristics when ________.
A.she stood on the playground
B.she was at the open house
C.she said goodbye to the teacher
D.she worked as a teacher at lunch time
答案与解析:B 考查细节理解。根据第二段首句“We first met you at the open house the week before school started and I immediately knew you would be the type of teacher we would appreciate forever”可知,在开学前一周的校园开放参观日当天,作者就看出了孩子的老师将会是自己永远感激的人。
3.What does the underlined word “veteran” in Paragraph 3 mean?
A.Beautiful.  B.Generous.
C.Skillful.   D.Humorous.
答案与解析:C 考查词义猜测。根据第三段的内容可知,老师关注孩子们的大小事,并且深知幼儿园无小事。由此可推知,这是一位经验丰富的幼儿教师,故画线词与C项“熟练的”词义相近。A项意为“美丽的”,B项意为“慷慨的”,D项意为“幽默的”,均与语境不符。
4.What is this text mainly about?
A.Good wishes to a kindergarten teacher.
B.Sincere thanks to a kindergarten teacher.
C.A sweet memory of kindergarten life.
D.A kid's daily behavior in the kindergarten.
答案与解析:B 考查主旨大意。通读全文可知,本文是一位幼儿妈妈表达对老师的感激,故选B项。A项“对幼儿园老师的美好祝愿”,C项“幼儿园生活的美好回忆”,D项“一个孩子在幼儿园的日常行为”,均与文意不符。
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