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(外研版)2020版高考总复习高考提能练(一)必修1(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本外研版(现行教材)
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小275 K
  • 更新时间2019/7/18 19:25:27
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[2019·湖北八校第一次联考]Even for a certified teacher with a degree and teaching certificate from Florida, a certain embarrassment exists. The two words “English teacher” don't clearly show who I am.
Let me explain: When I go back to the US, I meet all my old friends. Some are stressed, exhausted and generally unhappy. They are stuck in jobs they don't love that they do only to pay the bills. Even the ones making good money don't even have the time to spend it and enjoy themselves. If I were in the US and I was working as a teacher, an accountant, a lawyer or so on, then that would be my job more or less for the next 30 to 40 years. I might have other talents, but I would be limited in being able to explore them.
In China the system is fluid for everyone: Chinese and expats (侨民). I know many friends, both Chinese and expats, who changed careers because they wanted something new and it didn't require going back to university to study for four more years. All it required was motivation and a calculated risk.  One of the best things about living in China for me is that I can explore different career choices and actually find one that I truly love. Let's face it that people change over the years: Your likes, your abilities and even the things that make you happy are constantly changing. Why shouldn't your jobs and the opportunities also change with you?
When people ask me if I love my job, my answer is “YES.” In China I have had many jobs: an actor, a model, a salesman and a teacher at various stages during my seven years here. And no one told me “You can't do that.” There was no self­limiting. In China, if you have the motivation to work hard and the drive to succeed then opportunities present themselves around every corner.
体裁:夹叙夹议文 题材:职业选择 主题:“我”在美国和中国的职业选择
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。尽管“我”有学位和教师资格证,但是在美国“我”可能会像“我”的美国朋友一样,做着不喜欢的工作,因而感到不开心,但是,在中国,“我”可以尝试各种不同的工作,只要有动力,就能找到机会。
【难句分析】 One of the best things about living in China for me is that I can explore different career choices and actually find one that I truly love.
分析:该句为主从复合句。句中that I can explore different career choices and actually find one that I truly love为that引导的表语从句,其中that I truly love为that引导的定语从句,修饰先行词one。
1.Why the term “English teacher” couldn't explain the author's role in China clearly?
A.Because he has taken many different jobs in China.
B.Because he has no choice but to be an English teacher.
C.Because the purpose of his teaching is to make good money.
D.Because there're too many jobs for him to choose from.
答案与解析:A 考查细节理解。根据第四段,尤其是第二句“In China I have had many jobs: an actor, a model, a salesman and a teacher at various stages during my seven years here”可知,“我”在中国生活的七年时光中,从事了多种职业,故第一段中所说的“英语老师”这个词并不能清楚地说明“我”在中国的角色。
2.Why are some of the author's old friends generally unhappy?
A.Because they have no chance to work in China as teachers.
B.Because it's even harder for them to earn money in the US now.
C.Because they have no ability to explore their other talents.
D.Because they can't get away from the work they don't enjoy.
答案与解析:D 考查细节理解。根据第二段,尤其是第二到四句“Some are stressed, exhausted and generally unhappy. They are stuck in jobs they don't love that they do only to pay the bills. Even the ones making good money don't even have the time to spend it and enjoy themselves”可知,在美国,“我”的老朋友中的一些人压力很大,疲惫不堪,而且不快乐。他们被困在自己不喜欢的职业中,只是为了赚钱而工作。即使是那些赚了大钱的人也没有时间去消费和享受生活。故D项正确。
3.What does the underlined word “fluid” in Paragraph 3 mean?
A.Strict.    B.Fixed.
C.Changeable. D.Exciting.
答案与解析:C 考查词义猜测。根据第三段第二句“I know many friends, both Chinese and expats, who changed careers because they wanted something new and it didn't require going back to university to study for four more years”可知,在中国,许多职业并不需要四年的大学学习,人们可以自由选择职业,故中国的工作体制不是僵化的,而是可变的。据此可知,该词意为“可变的”,故C项正确。
4.What does the author think of China?
A.A country without motivation.
B.A land of opportunities.
C.A nation full of foreigners.
D.A place short of jobs.
答案与解析:B 考查推理判断。根据第四段最后一句“In China, if you have the motivation to work hard and the drive to succeed then opportunities present themselves around every corner”可知,“我”认为,在中国,如果你有努力工作的动力和成功的魄力,那么机会就会出现在你眼前。据此可以判断,“我”认为中国是一个充满着机会的国度,故B项正确。
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