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(北师大版)2018-2019学年高中高考提能练Unit21HumanBiology仿真检测灵活拆组卷选修7(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本北师大版(现行教材)
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小351 K
  • 更新时间2019/7/19 9:41:25
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I got my first bike in 1943.It was an old, second­hand blue bike.Bikes of any kind were very __41__ at that time.A new bike was about as easy to find as a live dinosaur, as __42__ was needed to manufacture arms to __43__ our brave men and women in the fighting overseas.
At ten, I was quite __44__.I convinced my mother I could earn enough money to be a millionaire if I only had an old second­hand bike.She laughed but __45__ about 80 per cent of the total cost of the bike.I had __46__ a few dollars digging gardens, clearing snow and doing other jobs.
I __47__ Mother I'd pay back the loan (借款)The day I got my bike was one of the happiest of my life.I could __48__ earning my first million __49__ groceries (杂货) for Clarks' grocery store and packages for a small store a few blocks away this was in the Forest Hills section of Edmonton.I made a few dollars and __50__ to start working on my second million, as the first was proving too __51__ to come by.
My mother, another brother, Len, and I were to __52__ Dad in Yellowknife.Leaving my bike was very difficult, but __53__ had to come first.I made very little money __54__ it, not enough to pay Mother back.We __55__ Yellowknife in the fall of 1943.It was quite an experience for a young fellow, or anybody else for that matter.
After we'd been in Yellowknife for a while, I was able to __56__ Mother for the bike loan.I got a job at the recreation centre in the Negus Mine.The __57__ paid great I had lots of money, but would not __58__ another bike.The __59__ there were made with the tailings (尾矿) from the mine lots of rough rock.The new __60__ was only on a drawing board at the time.
41Abeautiful              Bexpensive
Cconvenient                                    Dcomfortable
解析B 由下文的A new bike was about as easy to find as a live dinosaur可知自行车很难买到那价格自然是很贵(expensive)
42Aspace                                     Blabor
Ctime                                             Dmetal
解析D 制造自行车和武器所需的共同的原材料是金属(metal)
43Araise                                      Bcontrol
Cpraise                                           Dassist
解析D 制造武器是为了帮助(assist)战场上的军人。
44Aproud                                    Bcareful
Cambitious                                      Dbrave
解析C 由下文的I could earn enough money to be a millionaire可知作者十岁时有雄心壮志(ambitious)
45Acalculated                              Bcontributed
Ccut                                               Dput
解析:选B 由下文的“I'd pay back the loan可知,妈妈为作者的自行车贡献了(contributed)80%的费用。
46Aborrowed                               Bmade
Chid                                               Dwasted
解析:选B 由“digging gardens, clearing snow and doing other jobs可知,作者是在打零工赚(made)钱。
47Ainformed                               Bpersuaded
Cpromised                                      Dreminded
解析:选C 由下文作者想尽办法还款可知,他向妈妈承诺(promised)一定会还清这笔钱。
48Astart                                      Bcontinue
Csuggest                                         Dfinish
解析:选A 由上文的“I could earn enough money to be a millionaire if I only had an old second­hand bike可知,有了自行车后,作者开始(start)赚取人生的第一个百万。
49Astoring                                  Bbuying
Cdelivering                                     Dpicking
解析:选C 作者是要打工赚钱,所以递送(delivering)杂货符合语境。
50Adecided                                 Bagreed
Cdemanded                                     Dasked
解析:选A 之前打工赚钱的方式不易,作者决定(decided)重新开始。
51Ahard                                      Bunfair
Csimple                                          Dcasual
解析:选A 作者想要成为百万富翁,仅仅靠递送杂货和包裹肯定很困难(hard)
52Acontact                                  Bjoin
Chelp                                             Dmiss
解析:选B 作者一家准备搬到Yellowknife与他父亲团聚(join)
53Adistance                                 Bspeed
Cpracticality                                    Dmeaning
解析:选C 由下文讲到的Yellowknife的道路根本不适合骑自行车可知,作者首先考虑的是实用性(practicality)
54Adonating                                Bsharing
Cfixing                                           Dselling
解析:选D 由“I made very little money可知,作者卖掉了(selling)自行车。
55Areferred to                             Bworried about
Ccame across                                   Dleft for
解析:选D 卖掉自行车,作者一家前往(left for)Yellowknife
56Arepay                                    Bthank
Csurprise                                        Dadmire
解析A 由下文的I had lots of money可知作者偿还了(repay)妈妈的钱。
57Aminers                                   Bgrocers
Cmillionaires                                   Dfriends
解析A 由上文的the Negus Mine可知这里是说来此娱乐消遣的矿工们(miners)出手阔绰。
58Areturn                                    Bbuy
Cdamage                                         Dgive
解析:选B 由下文提到的Yellowknife不适合骑自行车可知,作者有钱了,但不会再买(buy)自行车。
59Ayards                                     Bvalleys
Croads                                            Dbuildings
解析:选C 作者不买自行车是因为道路(roads)不好,新的城镇(town)还停留在画板上。
60Amatter                                   Bjob
Crock                                             Dtown
解析:选D 参见上题解析。
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