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(北师大版)2019年高中高考提能练Unit13People仿真检测灵活拆组卷必修5(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本北师大版(现行教材)
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小1006 K
  • 更新时间2019/7/19 10:26:49
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Akio Morita, co­founder of the Sony Corporation, was born on January 26th, 1921 and died on October 3rd, 1999 in Tokyo.
He created one of the first truly global companies. His strategy (策略) was so successful that Sony was recently chosen as the number one brand name by American consumers (消费者), ahead of Coca­Cola and General Electric.
Morita had a comfortable childhood. He was the eldest son of a wealthy family from Nagoya. He trained as a physicist. Before he celebrated his 26th birthday, he had started his own company with a partner, Masaru Ibuka. In 1949 the company developed recording tape and in 1950 sold the first tape recorder in Japan. In 1957 it produced a pocket­sized radio and a year later renamed itself Sony. For the new name Mr Morita combined the Latin word for sound, sonus, with the English expression sonny boy to give an impression of a company full of energy and youth. In 1960 it produced the first transistor television in the world.
Morita moved his family to the USA in 1963. This helped him to understand Americans, their market and customs. Many people believe this was the key reason for his global success.
Sony launched the Walkman in 1979 after Morita had noticed young people's love of music.
Morita was a workaholic (工作狂), but he was also a playaholic. He loved art and music, and was a sports enthusiast.
He also wrote a book in the 1960s called Never Mind School Records which argued that academic (学术的) achievements are not important for success in business.
He is survived by his wife Yoshiko, two sons and a daughter.
语篇解读:本文是记叙文。文章主要介绍了索尼公司的联合创始人Akio Morita
21What do we know about Sony?
AIt topped some American brands.
BIt had a longer history than Coca­Cola.
CIt failed to meet customers' satisfaction.
DIt had fewer customers than General Electric.
解析:选A 细节理解题。由第二段中的“Sony was recently chosen as the number one brand name by American consumers ...可知,索尼超越了一些美国品牌。
22Why did Akio Morita rename his company Sony?
ATo make the company appear exciting.
BTo break into the American market.
CTo advertise his new products.
DTo attract young customers.
解析:选A 细节理解题。由第三段中的“to give an impression of a company full of energy and youth可知,Akio Morita把他的公司更名为索尼是为了给人们一种印象:这家公司充满了青春和活力。
23What does the underlined word this in Paragraph 4 refer to?
AMorita's family.
BMorita's creativity.
CAmerica's lively market.
DMorita's understanding of America.
解析:选D 代词指代题。由第四段的描述可知,Akio Morita1963年把家搬到美国,这使得他对美国人、美国市场以及美国的风俗有了深入理解,很多人认为这正是他在全球获得成功的关键原因;由此可推断,this指的是Akio Morita对美国的了解。
24What do we know about Akio Morita?
AHe was a productive writer.
BHe was a low achiever in school.
CHe once taught physics in a college.
DHe was hard­working and enjoyed his life.
解析:选D 细节理解题。由倒数第三段中的“Morita was a workaholic, but he was also a playaholic.可知,Akio Morita既是一个工作狂,也是一个会享受生活的人。
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