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2020年高三一轮复习第一套1Units1-2单元训练B卷(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本不限
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小175 K
  • 更新时间2019/9/15 10:45:04
    下载统计今日0 总计16
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Nowadays everybody seems to think that they know English. Many people speak it but few speak it really well. Practice is necessary in speaking English well.
Reading is also one of the things that will help you to speak English better. Read whenever you can and whatever you like! Read papers and Internet sites that you like in English every day. Then, you will see that the number of known words is increasing and you are able to speak with more skills. Then you will have made the foundations and a good basis of English. It is not good to stop and get stuck there.
Going to England or an English-speaking country is a good choice, but many people cannot afford it. If you cannot go, reading and speaking with your friends will also help you to practice your English. However, I think it is very good to visit some English-speaking country to see and test your knowledge in everyday life. You will understand the everyday usage of the language in its natural environment. There your level of English is going to improve even faster. Your ability to speak English is better. Nothing can match the excitement and happiness when a native speaker tells you that your English is very good!
Finally, in order to speak English well, you must be persistent (坚持的) and do it every day. It is like playing the piano. Pianists play it every day and so should you. Include English in your life and you will see where it is going. Practice, Practice! Read, write and improve your language skills and you are on your way when you will be able to speak it with more and more confidence!
21.What does the writer suggest about reading?
A.Trying to improve your vocabulary.
B.Keeping on reading when you have time.
C.Stopping when you have a good basis of English.
D.Looking up every unknown word when reading.
22.The main idea of the last paragraph is that ______.
A.we should play the piano every day
B.speaking English is fun and entertaining
C.if we’ve learned to read and write, we’ll certainly be able to speak
D.we should practice English every day to improve our speaking skills
23.According to the passage, what may make the author excited?
A.Reading papers and Internet sites.
B.Having a good basis of English.
C.Going to an English-speaking country.
D.A native speaker’s praise.
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