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(京津鲁琼专用)2020版高考二轮复习25分钟语言知识运用练1语言知识运用练(一)(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本不限
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小938 K
  • 更新时间2019/11/17 13:34:06
    下载统计今日0 总计37
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My seven­year­old daughter always has her nose in a book. She even continued __1__ in the car on the long drive to summer camp, where she lost the book. This is the first lost __2__ book in my life. In my childhood, my parents had always expected me to be __3__, but we were poor, and I didn’t __4__ books. I had to borrow books. My library books lived on a __5__ shelf while they were mine, and it __6__ me when I had to return them to the library on the due day.
However, my daughter has __7__ books now than I owned during my whole childhood. So it’s probably my __8__ that she didn’t cherish the books. “Sorry, I can’t find it,” my daughter said with a shrug, “We just pay $20 for the book. What’s the big __9__?” The missing library book just met with a cold __10__ from her, but it met with nail­biting __11__ from me. I walked into the library in a deep __12__ as if I had lost the book.
Feeling the need to make her feel __13__ for the book, I asked her to do the household chores. She agreed to clean up all the pets’houses __14__ my paying the library book. I’d meant the chores to be __15__!
Surprisingly, she was enjoying herself. I took a picture of her lovely back. So, did I win or lose at __16__? Did I teach her the __17__ of keeping a library book if the picture I took shows she is working __18__?
To my __19__, my little girl knew what __20__ in her life. She could devote herself to the chores as much as to the books.
1.A.driving                 B.thinking
C.reading                          D.viewing
2.A.school                        B.reference 
C.story                          D.library
3.A.powerful                       B.practical
C.academic                         D.employed
4.A.write                        B.own   
C.order                          D.love
5.A.wasted                         B.dusty 
C.present                          D.specific
6.A.pained                         B.companied
C.abandoned                        D.lost
7.A.fewer                          B.better 
C.cheaper                          D.more
8.A.work                           B.reason 
C.fault                            D.duty
9.A.worry                          B.question 
C.case                             D.deal
10.A.shoulder                      B.power
C.refusal                          D.excuse
11.A.impression                    B.effort
C.effect                           D.concern
12.A.respect                       B.thought
C.shame                            D.shock
13.A.eager                         B.responsible
C.good                             D.suitable
14.A.in need of                     B.in trade for
C.in terms of                      D.in favor of
15.A.punishment                    B.recovery
C.encouragement                    D.promise
16.A.studying                      B.parenting
C.arguing                          D.fighting
17.A.benefit                        B.method
C.commitment                       D.demand
18.A.seriously                     B.unwillingly
C.professionally                   D.constantly
19.A.disappointment                B.relief
C.regret                           D.sorrow
20.A.matters                       B.proves 
C.exists                           D.grows
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