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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本新人教版(现行教材)
  • 适用年级高二年级
  • 文件大小1204 K
  • 更新时间2019/12/13 9:15:49
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Life in 2060
Let us suppose it is now about A. D.2060.Let's make believe it is about fifty years from now.Of course, things have changed and life is very different.
Voyages to the moon are being made every day.It is as easy to take a holiday on the moon today as it was for the people in 1960 to take a holiday in Europe.At a number of scenic spots on the moon, many hotels have been built.The hotels are air­conditioned naturally.In order that everyone can enjoy the beautiful scenery on the moon, every room has at least one picture window.Everything imaginable is provided for entertainment (娱乐) of young and old.
What are people eating now? People are still eating food.They haven't yet started to take on heir (继承) supply of energy directly as electrical current or as nuclear power.They may some day.But many foods now come in pill form, and the food that goes into the pill continues to come mainly from green plants.
Since there are several times as many people in the world today as there were a hundred years ago, most of our planet's surface has to be filled.The deserts are irrigated with water and crops are no longer destroyed by pests.The harvest is always good.
Farming, of course, is very highly developed.Very few people have to work on the farm.It is possible to run the farm by just pushing a few buttons now and then.
People are now largely vegetarians (素食者). You see, as the number of people increases, the number of animals decreases.Therefore, the people have to be vegetarians and we are healthier both in our bodies and in our minds, and we know the causes and cure of disease and pain, and it is possible to get rid of diseases.No one has to be ill any more.
Such would be our life in 2060.
1.According to the passage, what will be on the moon in about A.   D.2060?
A.Many tourists.              B.Many other animals.
C.Many plants.                   D.A sea.
解析:选A 细节理解题。由短文第二段可以知道,到2060年,月球上将会有度假的人们、旅游景点和许多宾馆。因此答案为A项。
2.The passage tells us that in 2060, ________ on the earth than now.
A.there are fewer population
B.there are more pests
C.there is less water
D.the crops are getting better
解析:选D 细节理解题。由第四段可知到2060年人口将更多,沙漠用水浇灌,庄稼不再被害虫毁坏,收成总是很好。因此答案为D项。
3.Why are people largely vegetarians in 2060?
A.Because they don't eat meat.
B.Because doctors advise them not to eat meat.
C.Because the number of animals decreases.
D.Because all the animals have died of diseases.
解析:选C 细节理解题。短文第六段第二句和第三句告诉我们2060年的人口数目大量增加,导致动物数量下降,因此大多数人们成为素食者。
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