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  • 更新时间2019/12/16 9:09:54
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III Reading Comprehension(45%)
Section A (15分)
Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
When a student takes notes in a lecture, he has to do four things. First of all, he has to understand what is said___37___a speaker says, a student can’t stop him in order to look up a new word or check a(n) ___38___ sentence pattern.
    The second thing the student has to do is to ___39___ what is important in the lecture. Often, the lecturer___40___ this directly or indirectly. If he says ‘The next point is important’, the student will have___41___ difficulty. The lecturer may, however, use a more informal ___42___. A sentence such as ‘This is the crunch ’, meaning ‘this is the really important point’, will often cause ___43___ Many lecturers pause(暂停), or speak more slowly and loudly when they are making an important point. If the student can’t ___44___ these indirect signals, he’ll find it difficult to decide what is important.
    The third task that___45___ the student is that he has to write down the important points. There are two more problems here___46___ deciding what is important. One is speed. The other is clarity (清晰). The student should use___47___forms, write down the important information words and write one point on each line. He ought to, if possible, choose a moment to write when the lecturer isn’t giving ___48___ information.
    Finally, the student’s notes must show the ___49___ between the different points he has written down. If he makes good use of spacing and underlining, together with the use of ___50___ signs and the numbering of points, he will be able to understand the content of the lecture more ___51___.
(    )37. A. like           B. since                 C. as                 D. for
(    )38. A. senior        B. effective             C. unfamiliar              D. wonderful
(    )39. A. decide         B. examine           C. attach             D. desire
(    )40. A. writes         B. orders                 C. signals                D. organizes
(    )41. A. little         B. few               C. a little               D. a few
(    )42. A. sort           B. style                  C. sight              D. remark
(    )43. A. assistance     B. respect                C. difficulty             D. stress
(    )44.A. recognize       B. apply                  C. accept             D. overlook
(    )45.A. maintain        B. attracts             C. access                 D. faces
(    )46.A. in addition to B. except           C. more than          D. rather than
(    )47.A. balanced        B. attractive            C. long                   D. short
(    )48.A. vital           B. unrelated             C. unimportant            D. unnecessary
(    )49.A. constructions   B. collections           C. connections            D. perseverance
(    )50.A. regular          B. twisted            C. basic                 D. civilized
(    )51.A. easily          B. unconsciously          C. naturally         D. sincerely
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