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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本北师大版(现行教材)
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小962 K
  • 更新时间2020/1/13 16:07:03
    下载统计今日0 总计6
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Common public speaking problems
The use of “I feel”, “I think” and “maybe”
In the question-and-answer session of the speaking competition, many contestants began their answers with uncertain expressions like “I feel”, “I guess”, “I hear”, “maybe” and “perhaps”.
These words show that the person is only speaking from his or her point of view. 1  
Work on keeping your answers brief and to the point.  2  Instead of the empty-sounding “I guess”, using facts, together with a clear conclusion based on those facts, is far more likely to be popular with an audience.  
Using only one speaking style
 Don’t stick to the same tone.  3  
 For example, when they spoke about their dreams, some sounded romantic. Others used humor. Very few used several different styles together. Try mixing more than one style, rather than just sticking with the same one.
Irresponsible answers
 Public speaking is different from personal conversations. You’re responsible for your words.  4 So you should think twice before you talk. Don’t be like the student who, when asked about his opinion on book piracy(盗版), started by saying he supported it. 
Talking around the topic rather than directly answering it
 You should focus on one point and give a clear solution. The key is to work out what question is being asked. Is it asking you to discuss a certain topic or to present your own point of view?
 Use one or two arguments together and give a strong conclusion.  5  
A.It can be boring.
B.Even though you want to answer quickly, you don’t want to sound foolish.
C.Also work on delivering them with calmness and confidence.
D.Deliberate gestures and affected (做作的) expression of feelings are improper in a successful speech.
E.Remember that judges are not judging you on whether they agree, but on your ability to say what you think clearly.
F.This lacks the support of facts and seems not to be reliable for the judges and audience.
G.Confidence is extremely important in public speaking as it lets a speaker sound more convincing.
1.    2.    3.    4.    5.    
[语篇解读] 本文是一篇说明文,文章列举了在演讲比赛问答环节中常出现的四个问题并提出了解决方案。
1.F 根据上文the person is only speaking from his or her point of view可知这个人仅从个人观点来说,缺乏事实佐证,因此在裁判和观众看来是不可靠的。
2.C 根据上文Work on keeping your answers brief and to the point.以及C项中的关键词work on可知答案。
3.A 根据上文Don’t stick to the same tone.和下文Try mixing more than one style, rather than just sticking with the same one.可知不要使用一种语调,这让人厌烦,而应该尝试把不同的风格融合在一起。
4.B 根据标题Irresponsible answers中的answers结合上下文可知即使想快速回答也应该对你的言语负责,不要发表听起来愚蠢的话语。
5.E 根据上文You should focus on one point and give a clear solution.和Use one or two arguments together and give a strong conclusion.可知你的要点要表达清楚,结论要经得起推敲,裁判判断的依据是你把你的想法表达清楚的能力。
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