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  • 更新时间2020/4/11 13:43:54
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The coffee giant Starbucks is once again a popular search on the Internet, and there are people who think that coffee is now replacing tea as the most popular drink in China.But, is that really so?

Starbucks opened its biggest café shop in the world in Shanghai this Wednesday. The coffee giant says this will not only give customers the usual great coffee, but also give them the full experience of how the magical coffee beans get roasted to become those wonderful drops that make up their favorite drinks. It is like the Willy Wonka factory for coffee lovers. The company is expanding aggressively, and opening a new store every 15 hours on average in China.

China has very rich and splendid tea culture. What seems like the most enjoyable thing is to drink a cup of tea on a quiet day that is full of “Zen” () spirit. But the fast­pace of life sometimes doesn't allow that. So there are tea shop owners locating their shops in the downtown area in order to provide quick service for customers. Take Heytea for example. It's one of the most highly rated tea shops and it has now opened several new branches in the business areas of big cities like Beijing. Waiting in lines for longer than one hour is common. China's consumption of tea is immeasurable. According to a research of USC Institute, in China, the average person consumes 400 cups of tea per year.

So it is unlikely that coffee can replace tea as the country's main drink any time soon. The expanding coffee shops are not there to replace tea, but to provide people with another choice that they can use to enjoy life.

5. What is function of the first paragraph?

ATo inform the readers of the latest news.

BTo introduce the topic of the article.

CTo summarize the whole passage.

DTo present the author's argument.

6. Which of the following statements is CORRECT about Starbucks?

AThe shop opened in Shanghai simply works as a drinking place.

BStarbucks can only be seen in the downtown area of a city.

CStarbucks holds a certain share of Chinese drinking market.

DStarbucks supplies the world with the best­tasting coffee.

7. What can be concluded from the third paragraph?

ATea culture is rooted in the hearts of Chinese citizens.

BThe enjoyment of tea drinking can only be experienced in a quiet place.

CTea consumption holds the largest share of world drinking market.

DThe fast pace of modern life makes tea drinking no longer pleasant in China.

8. What is the author's attitude to coffee and tea in China?

ATea may bring more pleasure to Chinese citizens' life.

BCoffee will replace tea in Chinese drinking market.

CBoth coffee and tea will make people's life enjoyable.

DCoffee and tea gain the same popularity in China.

[语篇解读] 本文是一篇议论文。随着星巴克在内地的扩张,有一些人认为咖啡会替代中国人的传统饮品。真的如此吗?答案是否定的,因为在中国有几千年的历史,文化已经根深蒂固于中国人的观念中,咖啡只不过是一种额外的选择罢了。

5B 【解析】推理判断题。第一段采取提出问题的方式,再通过后面的叙述来推出文章的主题,故答案为B

6C 【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“The company is expanding aggressively, and opening a new store every 15 hours on average in China.”可知星巴克在中国饮品市场占有一定的份额。

7A 【解析】推理判断题。根据第三段的叙述可知茶文化已经深深植根于中国人的心中。

8C 【解析】作者态度题。根据整篇文章以及最后一段“The expanding coffee shops are not there to replace tea, but to provide people with another choice that they can use to enjoy life.”可知咖啡和茶都是能给人们带来愉悦生活的供选择的一种饮品。

-height:150%;tab-stops:198.0pt 414.0pt; layout-grid-mode:char'>3. D 【解析】主旨大意题。根据第一段最后一句“However, preparing an easy recipe will instantly put a smile on your face after your workday.”以及下文中三种有关减轻头痛的成分的分析,可知作者写这篇文章的目的是提供一种抗头痛的配方及其成分的好处,故选D

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