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上海市上海交大附中2020届高三上学期10月月考试题(英语 解析版)
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  • 适用年级高三年级
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  • 更新时间2020/6/10 10:05:12
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Ⅱ. Grammar and Vocabulary

Section A

Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Benjamin West, the father of American painting, showed his talent for art when he was only six years of age. But he did not know about brushes before ___1___ visitor told him he needed one. In those days, a brush was made from camel’s hair. There were no camels nearby. Benjamin decided that cat hair would work instead. He cut some fur from the family cat ___2___ (make) a brush.

The brush did not last long. Soon Benjamin needed more fur. Before long, the cat began to look ragged(蓬乱). His father said that the cat ___3___ be sick. Benjamin ___4___ (force) to admit what he had been doing.

The cat’s lot was about to improve. That year, one of Benjamin’s cousins, Mr. Pennington, came to visit. He was impressed with Benjamin’s drawings. ___5___ he went home, he sent Benjamin a box for paint and some brushes. He also sent six engravings(版画)by an artist. ___6___ were the first pictures and first real paint and brushes Benjamin had even seen. In 1747, when Benjamin was nine years old, Mr. Pennington returned for another visit. He was amazed at ___7___ Benjamin had done with his gift. He asked Benjamin’s parents ___8___ he might take the boy to Philadelphia for a visit.

In the city, Mr. Pennington gave Benjamin materials for creating oil paintings. The boy began a landscape painting. William Williams, a well-known painter, came to see him work. Williams was impressed with Benjamin and gave him two classic books on painting to take home. The books were long and dull. Benjamin could read only a little, ___9___ (be) a poor student. But he later said, “Those two books were my companions by day, and ___10___ my pillow at night.” While it is likely that he understood very little of the books, they were his introduction to classical paintings. The nine-year-old boy decided then that he would be an artist.

【答案】1. a    2. to make   

3. must    4. was forced   

5. When    6. These   

7. what    8. whether   

9. being    10. under







考查不定式作状语。分析句子结构可知,此处应用非谓语动词,结合句意此处应指“目的是制作画笔”,表目的用不定式,故填to make。


考查情态动词的用法。句意:他的父亲说那只猫肯定病了。根据be和句意判断此处应填情态动词,结合句意“猫肯定病了”此处是肯定推测,其表达为must do/be,故填must。


考查时态和语态。分析句子结构可知,此处是谓语动词,本文讲述过去的事情故用一般过去时,再结合语境,主语Benjamin和force之间是动宾关系,故用一般过去时的被动语态,故填was forced。




考查代词。根据were判断此处是句子主语,且是复数形式,再结合上下文,此处是指“Mr. Pennington寄给他的那些东西”,可用these代替。故填These。


考查宾语从句连词。分析句子结构可知,此处应填连词,宾语从句___7___ Benjamin had done with his gift中缺少宾语,故用指物的连接代词,故填what。







【点睛】第3小题His father said that the cat ___3___ be sick.考查must的推测句,此处是父亲根据猫的状态判断猫肯定生病了,故用肯定推测,must be sick.


对正在进行动作的推测:must be doing

例如:No one answer the phone, he must be reading in the library.没人接电话,他现在肯定在图书馆看书。

对现在情况的推测:must be/do

He sings well, so he must be a singer.他唱得很好,他一定是各歌手。

对过去情况的推测:must have done

He is sleepy now. he must have stayed up last night.他昏昏欲睡。昨晚肯定熬夜了。

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