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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本新人教版(现行教材)
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小1302 K
  • 更新时间2020/8/3 18:34:07
    下载统计今日0 总计2
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(2020·昆明高三模拟)Finding fish is going to get harder as climate change continues to heat the worlds oceans. A new study finds that warming seas over the past 80 years have reduced the sustainable catch of 124 species of fish and shellfish. A sustainable catch refers to the amount that can be harvested without doing long­term damage to the health of populations of some species.

Overfishing has made that decline worse, researchers say. Overfishing refers to catching so many fish that the size of the population falls. In some parts of the world, such as the heavily fished Sea of Japan, the decrease is as high as 35 percent. Thats a loss of more than one in every three fish.

Researchers examined changes in 235 populations of fish and shellfish between 1930 and 2010. Those fish populations spread far apart across 38 ocean regions. Temperature changes vary from one ocean site to another. But on average over that time, Earths sea­surface temperatures have risen by about half a degree Celsius.

On average, that warming has caused the sustainable catch to drop by 4.1 percent, the study found. About 8 percent of the fish and shellfish populations the team studied saw losses as a result of the ocean warming. However, about 4 percent of some populations increased. Thats because certain species have thrived in warmer waters. One example is a kind of black sea fish. It lives along the northeastern US. coast. As warming continues, these fish will reproduce faster until they reach their limit.

About 3.2 billion people worldwide rely on seafood as a source of food. That means its urgent for commercial fishing fleets and regulators to consider how climate change is affecting the health of all of those fish in the sea.

【解题导语】 研究发现,随着气候变化导致海洋升温,世界上可持续捕获的鱼类和水生有壳动物在不断减少,这在一定程度上影响了渔业的产量。

1What does the new study discover?

AOverfishing is to blame for fish health.

BWarming seas cause fewer fish and shellfish.

CSeafood matters to peoples health worldwide.

DThe living regions of fish and shellfish are different.

B 解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中的“A new study finds that warming seas over the past 80 years have reduced the sustainable catch of 124 species of fish and shellfish.”可知,新的研究发现,海水升温导致鱼类和水生有壳动物减少。故选B

2What does the underlined word thrived in paragraph 4 probably mean?

ASurvived narrowly.                    BDisappeared soon.

CDecreased sharply.                        DDeveloped quickly.

D 解析:词义猜测题。根据画线词下文“One example... As warming continues, these fish will reproduce faster until they reach their limit.”可知,随着升温继续,这些鱼将快速繁殖直到它们的极限,据此可推知,画线词的含义与“reproduce faster”相近,故选D

3What do we know about species of fish and shellfish?

AAbout 8 percent of them suffered from a great loss.

BAbout 35 percent of them survived in the Sea of Japan.

CAbout 3.2 billion species have been saved up to now.

DAbout 80 species have died out because of warming seas.

A 解析:细节理解题。根据第四段中的“About 8 percent of the fish and shellfish populations the team studied saw losses as a result of the ocean warming.”可知,大约8%的鱼类和水生有壳动物数量上遭受了重大损失。故选A。根据第二段中的“In some parts...the decrease is as high as 35 percent.”可知,B项表述错误;根据第五段中的“About 3.2 billion people worldwide rely on seafood as a source of food.”可知,C项表述错误;文章没有提到D项所表述的内容。

4From which is the text probably taken?

AA cooking guide.                          BA science magazine.

CA news review.                            DA health brochure.

B 解析:文章出处题。通读全文可知,一项最新研究显示,随着海洋变暖,鱼类和水生有壳动物的数量正在减少。这在一定程度上影响了渔业的产量和这些生物的健康。由此可知,本文属于科学类文章。故选B

【难句分析】 That means its urgent for commercial fishing fleets and regulators to consider how climate change is affecting the health of all of those fish in the sea.

分析:本句是一个主从复合句。句中“its urgent for commercial fishing fleets and regulators to consider how climate change is affecting the health of all of those fish in the sea”为省略了that的宾语从句,作动词means的宾语;其中“how climate change is affecting the health of all of those fish in the sea”how引导的宾语从句,作consider的宾语。


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