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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本新人教版(现行教材)
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小944 K
  • 更新时间2020/8/12 10:41:54
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[2020·成都第一次诊断]For six hundred years, the Tower of London's most exotic(异国风情的) prisoners were animals.

The Royal Menagerie(动物园) began as a result of kings  exchanging rare and strange animals as gifts. In 1235, Henry Ⅲ was delighted to be presented with three wildcats by the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick Ⅱ. These inspired him to start a zoo at the Tower. Henry's “wildcats\” although described as leopards, were probably lions. These are the ancestors of the three lions that  still appear on the England football team's shirts today.

In 1251 the lions were joined by a “white bear\” probably a polar bear — given by the King of Norway. In 1255, the King of France sent the first elephant ever seen in England and “people  flocked together to see the novel sight\”. Sadly, the elephant died in 1258.

Poor treatment and cramped conditions meant many of the  animals did not survive for long. But the Royal Menagerie  continued to grow. Edward I created a permanent new home for  the Royal Menagerie at the western entrance to the Tower, which  became known as the Lion Tower. The terrifying sounds and  smells of wild animals must have both impressed and scared  visitors.

By 1622, the collection had been extended to include three  eagles, two pumas, a tiger and a jackal, as well as lions and  leopards, who were the main attractions.

However, the end of the Royal Menagerie came in the  1830s. Campaigners had begun to raise concerns,  and the  animals were expensive, occasionally dangerous and a nuisance to the guardsmen. The Duke of Wellington sent 150 of the beasts to a new zoo in Regent's Park, today's London Zoo.

Despite Alfred Cops's best efforts to carry on, several further incidents including an escaped wolf and a monkey that bit a guardsman's leg convinced King William Ⅳ to shut down the Royal Menagerie for good in 1835. The remaining animals were sold to zoos and travelling shows and the Lion Tower was later demolished.

1What do we know about the elephant presented in 1255?

AIt caused big trouble.

BIt received much attention.

CIt lived painfully in the Lion Tower.

DIt died before the polar bear came in.

2How many types of animals at the Royal Menagerie are mentioned in the text?

AEight.   BNine.

CTen.     DEleven.

3For what reason was the Royal Menagerie closed at last?

ASecurity concerns.

BThe decline of tourism.

CPressure from campaigners.

DThe financial burden to raise the animals.

4Which is the best title for the text?

AThe Royal Menagerie

BGifts Presented to the King

CTourist Attractions in London

DMiserable Life in the Lion Tower

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