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  • 更新时间2020/9/16 19:16:48
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The victims were carried in one by one,their paws burned and fur charred,suffering from heavy loss  of water and fear.Their caretakers bandaged their wounds and laid them in baskets with the only thing that was familiar-the leaves of eucalyptus trees(桉树)。
As destructive fires have burned more than 2 million acres in Australia,dozens of koalas have been rescued from burning trees and ashen ground."They are terrified."said Cheyne Flanagan,clinical director of the Koala Hospital in Port Macquarie.The only one in the world,koalas,unlike kangaroos,birds or snakes,do not flee from fires but instead climb trees to the top,where they can roll themselves up into a ball for protection and wait for the danger to pass.But during the destructive fires,such as those that have burned in recent weeks,the animals are far less likely to survive.Even if the fire itself does not reach the tree top,the animals may overheat and fall to the ground,where they can be burned to death.
While koalas have evolved(进化)to exist alongside wildfires,the animals are facing new threats not just from climate change but also from human development,which will impair their ability to survive fires.
"We have these unique animals not found anywhere else on this planet,and we're killing them, Flanagan said,"This is a big wake-up call."
24.What do we learn about koalas from this passage?
A.They are good at climbing trees.
B.Their population drops for illegal hunting.
C.They are less adaptable than birds and snakes.
D.They protect themselves from fires by remaining high up on the trees.
25.The underlined word"impair"in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to
A.shorten        B.weaken           C.strengthen           D.sharpen
26.Where is the text probably from?
A.A news report
B.A textbook
C.A journal
D.A guidebook

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