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(新人教版)2020-2021学年高中综合测验课时随堂精练必修4(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本新人教版(现行教材)
  • 适用年级高一年级
  • 文件大小970 K
  • 更新时间2021/3/5 18:55:43
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It was a cold morningand Eduardo Ortega was nervous.He held a large envelope.In it was his dream.

“This is everything” he said.“I’ve worked for this since I was a young boy.”

Eduardo remembered the long hours working in the fieldspicking strawberries and beans.After the workdayhis tired friends drank coffee or slept.Eduardo studiedreadand wrote poetry and short stories.Although he missed many classeshe became the school’s best student.

One school yearEduardo wrote an essay (文章) and won a prize —a flying trip to San Francisco.As he flewhe felt free from his life of hard work in the fields.He promised himself not to return to that life.He loved to fly.

This morningEduardo caught the school bus and went to school with the envelope.He walked past his classmates and sat down at his desk.He opened the envelope and began reading the letter inside.It was the answer to his application to the state university.It was also the answer to the  beginning of his dream of becoming a pilot.

Even though Eduardo worked to help his  familyhis father always encouraged him to go to  school.Sowhile he workedhe also studied.

Eduardo knew that his dream was his father’s  dreamtoo.His father was a smart manbut he was  too poor to go to college.He loved to readbut  never had timebecause he worked long hours.

Nowas Eduardo read the  words“Congratulations...you have been accepted”he knew that his dream was not lost.One dayhe would be a pilotflying every day to all the exciting places in the world.

语篇解读 本文是记叙文。男孩家境不好,需要打零工帮助家里维持生计,但他并没有放弃自己的梦想。他坚持学习,通过不懈的努力终于考上了大学,缩短了与梦想的距离。

24What did Eduardo do when his friends drank coffee or slept?

AHe attended classes.

BHe studied and wrote.

CHe worked in the fields.

DHe helped around his home.

解析:   细节理解题。由第三段中的“After the workdayhis tired friends drank  coffee  or  slept.Eduardo studiedreadand wrote poetry and short stories”可知,工作结束后,他的朋友们或喝咖啡或睡觉,而他却在学习和写作。

答案: B

25. What was Eduardo’s dream?

ABecoming a pilot.

BBecoming a writer.

CTraveling around the world.

DRealizing his father’s dream.

解析: 细节理解题。由第五段中的“It was also the answer to the beginning  of his dream of becoming a pilot”和最后一段中的“One dayhe would be  a pilotflying every day to all the exciting places in the world”可知,他梦想成为一名飞行员。

答案: A

26. What was Eduardo’s father’s attitude toward his dream?

ASupportive.                BUnconcerned.

CDoubtful.                        DUnclear.

解析:  推理判断题。由倒数第三段中的“his father always encouraged him to go to school”可知,他父亲鼓励他上学,因此推断他父亲支持他的梦想。

答案: A

27What was in the envelope?

AAn invitation to a flying trip.

BEncouragement from his father.

CCongratulations from his friends.

DAn admission notice from a university.

解析: 推理判断题。由第五段中的“It was the answer to his application to the state university”和最后一段中的“as  Eduardo  read  the  words‘Congratulations...you have been accepted’he knew that his dream was not lost”可推断,信封里是他所申请的大学发来的录取通知书。 

答案: D

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