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辽宁省大连市2021届高三1月双基测试八省联考试题(英语 无答案)
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  • 资源类别试卷
  • 教材版本不限
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小1017 K
  • 更新时间2021/3/8 17:04:44
    下载统计今日0 总计2
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Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteers are a vital part of our mission of providing high quality environmental educational programming for local youth, Hudson River research, and community events. We are currently seeking volunteers for the following positions:

   Education Assistant - Assist education staff with everyday school work, after-school environmental clubs and community group visits every Wednesday afternoon.

   Marsh (沼泽) Assistant - Help maintain Riverfront marsh on Thursdays and Saturdays. Work on occasional marsh repairs including the removal of foreign species of plants and rubbish clean-ups. (Seasonal)

   Research Assistant - Participate in water quality monitoring, the sea life study, and other projects as they are developed. Eight hours each week on workdays.

    Aquaria ( 水 族 馆 ) Assistant - Provide care for the Center’s collection of aquatic wildlife including tank maintenance and animal feedings at the weekend.

Volunteer positions are available throughout the year! Previous experience is not required. Training will be provided upon the start of volunteer service. For more information about our volunteer program as well as single day volunteer events, call 9140-377-1900 or visit www. centerfortheurbanriver. org.

1.    What does the Education Assistant need to do?

A. Help with school routine.             B. Give lectures after school.

C. Coach students in sports clubs.       D. Visit poor students’ communities.

2.     If you are busy on weekdays, which volunteer position is probably suitable for you?

A. Education Assistant.                  B. Marsh Assistant.

C. Research Assistant.                   D. Aquaria Assistant.

3.     What’s required to be one of the four volunteers?

A. Working experience.                   B. Academic training.

C. Care for the environment.             D. Availability around the clock.

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