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(新人教版)2020-2021学年高中Unit1Alandofdiversity单元综合评估习题选修8(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本新人教版(现行教材)
  • 适用年级高二年级
  • 文件大小1065 K
  • 更新时间2021/4/7 9:43:14
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Working with Kids—Volunteer in Peru!

Volunteers work with at­risk children in and around the historic city of CuscoPeru.Placements include working in community centersorphanages(孤儿院)rural schoolsand street children programs.Projects focus on providing boys and girls with shelterfoodand education.Various educationalrecreationaland health projects are ongoing to support these unfortunate children.Volunteers work to help keep children off the street and to help provide them with a happy and productive childhood.

Depending on individual skills and interestsvolunteers act as mentors(导师)help children with their homeworkorganize sports and arts and craftsand teach English.Howeveryour care and support are the most important thing for these disadvantaged children.

This program is available year round and new programs begin every Monday.Volunteer programs are designed to take place for as little as 1 week and up to 1 year.

NOTE: This program qualifies for 34 university credits(学分)via our School of Record: California Suite University­Monterey Bay.To qualifyyour program must be 4 weeks or longer.

Program Highlights

1Earn 34 university credits via our School of Record: California State University­Monterey Bay.

22 hours/day of Spanish language classes are included in this program(optional)

3Gain international volunteer experience.

4Improve your Spanish language skills.

5Earn the President's Volunteer Service Award(US citizens)


21What is the program aimed to do?

ATo improve Cusco's education. 

BTo enrich the people's life in Peru.

CTo support the poor families in Peru. 

DTo ensure a better life for the needy children in Cusco.


解析:推理判断题。由第一段“Volunteers work to help keep children off the street and to help provide them with a happy and productive childhood.”可知这项活动旨在确保库斯科的贫困孩子们有一个更好的生活,选D

22What are volunteers supposed to do in this program?

ASet up new schools. 

BClean the orphanages.

CGive the children academic help. 

DInvolve the children in social practice.


解析:推理判断题。由第二段“Depending on individual skills and interestsvolunteers act as mentors(导师)help children with their homeworkorganize sports and arts and craftsand teach English.”可推知在这个活动中,志愿者要帮助孩子们做家庭作业,教英语。这些都是对孩子们学业上的帮助,选C

23Which of the following is not a benefit for volunteers in the program?

AEarning university credits. 

BDeveloping more interests.

CGaining volunteer experience. 

DLearning Spanish.


解析:细节理解题。由Program Highlights中的“1.Earn 34 university credits via our School of Record: California State University­Monterey Bay.”以及“3.Gain international volunteer experience.4.Improve your Spanish language skills.”可知ACD都是在这个活动中当志愿者的好处。故选B

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