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(新人教版)2020-2021学年新教材高中Unit3TheInternet单元素养评价必修2(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本人教版(新教材)
  • 适用年级高一年级
  • 文件大小1104 K
  • 更新时间2021/4/8 10:11:06
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Bullets(子弹) to Bandages:  Life Inside the Israel

Defense Forces

  Mark Terris,  M. D.

  www. xlibris. com

  $34. 99 hardcover/$23. 99 softcover/$3. 99 e-book

  The book explores the daily life inside the Israel Defense Forces.  These are true stories that center on the experiences of four Israeli soldiers and provide readers with a personal view of life in the Israeli army,  the meaning of friendships and the soldiers’ coming-of-age.

  The One Who Shows the Way:  Evolving Humanity From Psycho-logical To Psycho-spiritual Living

  Billy Grant

  www. xlibrispublishing. co. uk

  $39. 92 hardcover/ $23. 28 softcover/$4. 99 e-book

  “This book tells my 12-year journey through midlife crisis(危机).  Seen as a microcosm(缩影)of what is going on in religion,  society and humanity,  it shows what we need to do to develop. ”—Billy Grant

  Bless (祝福)Your Little Cotton Socks:  Beyond the Quirky Saying of My Eccentric Scottish Mum

  Diane Radford

  www. amazon. com

  $27. 99 hardcover/$16. 95 softcover/$9. 99 e-book

  In this delightful essay collection,  readers enter the pleasant world of Diane Radford’s parents and share in laugh-out-loud-funny,  at times moving,  events that show how Diane is altogether blessed—not just her cotton socks.  The readers will be too.

  Ni a Cubetadas

  Angelica Gonzalez

  www. authorhouse. com

  $26. 99 hardcover/$19. 99 softcover/$3. 99 e-book

  Ni a Cubetadas is the second book of Lorenza’s amazing adventures.  This book guides readers through several extreme and funny situations to deal with the boring bath time.  This story promotes(促进) environment preservation and animal welfare.

【文章大意】本文是一篇应用文。文章是一则图书广告, 主要介绍了四本书的内容及其价格等相关信息。

21. Who wrote stories about the life of Israeli soldiers?

A. Angelica Gonzalez.

B. Mark Terris,  M. D.

C. Diane Radford.

D. Billy Grant.

【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据Bullets to Bandages中的 These are true stories that center on the experiences of four Israeli soldiers and provide readers with a personal view of life in the Israeli army可知, 这本书是关于以色列士兵生活的, 其作者是 Mark Terris, M. D. 。故选B

22. How much should you pay for a hardcover book describing middle-aged stress?

A. $39. 92.        

B. $34. 99.

C. $27. 99.        

D. $26. 99.

【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据对The One Who Shows the Way中的 This book tells my 12-year journey through midlife crisis可知, 这本书讲述了是如何度过中年危机的, 其精装本的价格是39. 92美元。故选A

23. Which of the following books contains some interesting essays?

A. Ni a Cubetadas.

B. Bullets to Bandages.

C. The One Who Shows the Way.

D. Bless Your Little Cotton Socks.

【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据对Bless Your Little Cotton Socks中的 In this delightful essay collection,  readers enter the pleasant world. . .  and share in laugh-out-loud-funny. . .  events可知, 这是一本随笔集, 作者和读者分享了生活中一些有趣的事情。

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