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(外研版)2022高三一轮训练:必修2 Module 5 社会进步与人类文明 含解析(英语)
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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本外研版(现行教材)
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小943 K
  • 更新时间2022/1/5 8:32:04
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(2021·郑州模拟)Every morning I walk outside and bring in the morning newspaper. There was a time when every house on both sides of the street had a newspaper in the driveway. There was also a time when every house had a landline telephone, but not anymore. Not for a long time.

My husband is less willing to accept the downward trend of print­edition newspapers, as he has worked in newspapers since the age of 16. Even before that, he was what you would call an “independent publisher”

Recently, we were at a Chicago park with our grandchildren. My husband had a newspaper folded under his arm. He sat down and put the paper on the bench beside him. A young girl walked over, looked at the newspaper, picked it up and asked, What's this

I thought he was going to fall over. The color faded from his face. His eyes rolled back in his head and his_legs_were_giving_out. I rolled up his paper and waved it under his nose. The smells from the ink woke him up.

Some people simply love paper — the feel, the portability, and the pleasure of piling them higher and higher until their wife cries, Enough My husband was happy when he spent time with our youngest daughter and her husband. When they lived with us, they raced to pull the crossword puzzle from the paper every day. It's hard to do a crossword online. Pencil doesn't come off a computer screen as easily as you might think.

Now my husband will be very excited that I have found further proof that there may still be hope for the survival of print. I was chatting with a young mother who subscribes to the daily newspaper. I asked why she did something so conservatively. She looked shocked. Because it's print she said. I love print! When the paper didn't come one day, would you believe I called the main number to let them know and the lady said, Why don't you just subscribe to the online version’” She shook her head in disbelief.

My husband will be so thrilled that he might write this young woman into his will. I say we leave her all our piles of old newspapers.


1How did the author's husband feel when a girl asked a question in the park?

AShocked.                                BThrilled.

CDisappointed.                                             DConfused.

解析:A 细节理解题。根据第四段可知,他在听到女孩的问题时,震惊地要晕倒了。A(震惊的)符合文章描述,故选A项。

2What does the author probably mean by saying “his legs were giving out” ?

AHe was feeling tired and needed a rest.

BHe was very old and unable to stand long.

CHe almost lost his balance and became unconscious.

DHe was annoyed with the girl and played a trick on her.

解析:C 推理判断题。根据第四段可知,作者说his legs were giving out(他的腿在抽搐)是想表达出他在知道小女孩竟然不知道他最在意的报纸是什么东西时,几乎要失去了平衡,失去了知觉。故选C项。

3What does the author intend to tell us with the example of the young mother?

AMany young people follow an old­fashioned lifestyle.

BIt's inconvenient for the old to read online newspapers.

CThere're still young people who love printed newspapers.

DPrinted newspapers will be replaced by online newspapers.

解析:C 推理判断题。根据第六段中的a young mother who subscribes to the daily newspaperBecause it's print she said. I love print可知,这位年轻的母亲喜欢印刷报纸,由此可推测出作者是为了表达还是有年轻人喜欢印刷报纸的。故选C项。

4What does the author mainly talk about in the passage?

AThe new rise of digital newspapers on the line.

BA man's everlasting love for printed newspapers.

CThe pleasure of looking through daily newspapers.

DA family's memory of reading printed newspapers.

解析:B 主旨大意题。根据第二段中的My husband is less willing ... age of 16.及最后一段中的My husband will be so thrilled that he might write this young woman into his will.及通读全文可知,文章讲述了作者丈夫与一些人关于报纸的故事,表达了作者丈夫对印刷报纸永恒的爱。故选B项。

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