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        My son Cameron who was 16 years old came up with this crazy idea to make his own survival show. Well I thought it was just another one of his 'phases' but he began to sound more and more serious about it.  is a big outdoor man and has always loved the idea of surviving in the woods by himself, but he has never done anything like this. Anyway, he somehow raised  for his idea. With the money he bought a nice camcorder (摄像机); that's when I realized that he was really serious about this whole thing.

Cameron organized the trip all by himself. I just put out a few rules that he had to follow and rented a satellite phone so that he could contact us on his journey. My son traveled nearly 50 miles, while surviving for four days and three nights alone in the wilderness. He had no food or water, only his knife, and a camera. The journey was tough as he traveled through valleys, up and down big waterfalls, all while he was filming his entire journey. The wilderness we dropped him off in was a wild forest that is made up of untouched land; he found his way to the beautiful lake where we picked him up. In the end he made the most amazing movie that  have ever seen in all my life.

My son's courage should be recognized. That is why I am trying my best to get him seen by the rest of the world. Cameron recently turned 17 . He already has plans for his next adventure and I have no hope in stopping him from completing it. This next summer he plans on surviving for two or three weeks on a desert island in Fiji or Tonga. No teenage kid has ever done anything close to what my son Cameron has done.
21. How does the author like his son's idea of survival show?
A. He supported it at the beginning.
B. He realized it was fun and possible.
C. He had thought it would not come true.
D. He thought his son was always serious about it.
22. Where were Cameron's parents waiting for their son?
A. At the large waterfall.     B. At the beautiful lake
C. On the untouched land.   D. At the end of the forest.
23. What will impress the world in the author's opinion?
A. The scenery Cameron has described.
B. The plan Cameron has made.
C. The photos Cameron has taken.
D. The bravery Cameron has shown

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