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2022年高考二轮复习30分语言运用限时满分练六(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本不限
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小933 K
  • 更新时间2022/6/5 11:12:20
    下载统计今日0 总计2
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A year after Benjamin Canlas died at 17, his love of helping others lives on. Through a foundation  1  by his parents, this kind young man is  2  making the world a better place. 

In Philippines, many jobs have been lost  3  of the epidemic situation. Thousands of people have to travel to take  4  jobs to survive. But public transportation has been 5  limited. Benjamins parents had the idea to  6  bikes to deserving individuals. 

At first, their  7  was to donate seven bicycles. But then they received more than fifty 8 . And then 27 people were awarded bicycles. These bicycles were  9 to help make their lives a little easier. 

Among the  10  was Ronaldo Rosario. He sold rice cakes in the morning and smoked fish in the afternoon,  11  many kilometres each day, which caused the borrowed bike to break often. So, he often lost  12  time and some of his earnings on repairs. 

There are many people still in need and much more  13  needs to be offered. The foundation is working on launching more sustainable  14 . The goal is that these programmes will help more people while  15  others to be kind and help those in need. 


1.A.given up        B.set up

C.held up         D.brought up

2.A.still         B.already

C.ever            D.yet

3.A.at the cost   B.in spite

C.as a result     D.in case

4.A.much          B.temporary

C.dangerous       D.suitable

5.A.completely    B.regularly

C.aimlessly       D.severely

6.A.put away      B.run away

C.give away       D.wash away

7.A.plan          B.dream

C.programme       D.duty

8.A.models        B.designs

C.girls           D.applications

9.A.invented      B.intended

C.required        D.arranged

10.A.assistants   B.travellers

C.visitors        D.winners

11.A.challenging B.measuring

C.covering        D.finishing

12.A.valuable     B.convenient

C.enjoyable       D.spare

13.A.money        B.joy

C.help            D.freedom

14.A.projects     B.actions

C.jobs            D.courses

15.A.ordering     B.persuading

C.forcing         D.urging

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