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(外研版)2022高三一轮复习Module2小说戏剧诗歌传记文学简史经典演讲文学名著等训练选修6(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本外研版(现行教材)
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小944 K
  • 更新时间2022/6/5 13:38:10
    下载统计今日0 总计0
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Head Kid Kindle Edition

by David Baddiel (Author), Steven Lenton (Illustrator) (插图画家)6 Sept. 2018

Print list price:£12.99

Kindle price:£7.99, save 5.00

From the million­copy bestselling author of THE PARENT AGENCY and BIRTHDAY BOY comes a wildly entertaining adventure that asks the questionWhat would happen to the school to be visited by the school inspectors if the strictest head teacher, Mr  Carter, exchanged bodies with the naughtiest kid

Birthday Boy Kindle Edition

by David Baddiel (Author), Jim Field (Illustrator)7 Sept. 2017

Print list price:£6.99

Kindle price:£2.99, save 4.00

This is the story of Sam Green, who really loves birthdays. He is so excited about his 11th birthday, in fact, that he wishes it was his birthday every day. But its not long before things start to go wrong. Soon, a dangerous adventure begins.

AniMalcolm Kindle Edition

by David Baddiel (Author), Jim Field (Illustrator); 29 Sept. 2016

Print list price:£6.99

Kindle price:£4.49, save 2.50

This is a laugh­out­loud adventure for every child who ever wondered what it might be like to be a bit of an animal. Malcolm doesnt like animals. During the Year Six school trip, he changes.

The Person Controller  Kindle Edition 4

by David Baddiel (Author), Jim Field (Illustrator); 25 Feb. 2016

Print list price:£6.99

Kindle price:£4.24, save 2.75

This is a thrilling, funny and touching new adventure. Fred and Ellie are twins, who do like video games. They arent that good, however, at much else — like football, or dealing with the school bullies (恶霸学生). Then, they meet the Mystery Man, who sends them a video game controller.When they find out what it does control, though, it seems like the answer to all their problems.

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