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浙江省稽阳联谊学校2021-2022学年高三下学期4月联考试题 (英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试卷
  • 教材版本不限
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小1008 K
  • 更新时间2022/6/6 14:08:59
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“That’s that car!” Benny Correa screamed in their black Cadillac. Earlier, his wife Disley had mentioned a missing 11-year-old girl in Brimfield, not far from their home. The passing car was the same make and model.

Correa took a hard right out of the parking lot and tailed the blue Honda to view the license plate. The driver immediately sped up and blew through a stop sign. Correa shocked his family by following suit.

The Honda pulled around the back of a store. When it came around, Correa caught up and pulled ahead, trying to cut it off. The Honda hit the brakes and jumped a curb (路缘). The Cadillac’s high lights flashed on the driver—a young man with black hair, pulling a hooded sweatshirt up over his face. They saw him forcing a girl’s head down in the back, trying to hide her.

Disley, by then had called 911. “Yes, it’s him!” she yelled. “Knife in hand!”

“Get him, Dad!” his son shouted excitedly.

Correa stayed close behind the Honda, zooming down the road at 100 mph. Soon, he discovered the low-gas light was blinking on the dashboard. Actually, they found out later the suspension had been damaged during the racewas running on heavy smoke. Their car soon sputtered (噼啪) to a stop. The Honda disappeared. But thanks to Disley’s directions, the police had plotted the path the man was taking and set up roadblocks, trapping the car soon.

“It felt like we won the lottery,” Disley says. “The feeling of knowing she’s back with her family because of us is just unexplainable.”

21. What happened to the 11-year old girl?

A. She was controlled by a criminal.                          B. She was fleeing with the man.

C. She was hidden in the Cadillac.                             D. She helped to identify the criminal.

22. What can we know about Benny Correa and his family?

A. They finally rescued the victim.                            B. They risked themselves to help the victim.

C. They once decided to give up in the process.         D. They felt it a slim chance to save the victim.

23. Which of the following is the best title of the passage?

A. A thrilling race of the car.                                     B. A timely rescue of the police.

C. A hero action of a brave family.                             D. An impressive experience of a girl.

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