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陕西省宝鸡市金台区2020-2021学年高二上学期期中试题(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试卷
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  • 适用年级高二年级
  • 文件大小1019 K
  • 更新时间2022/7/20 8:16:46
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Columbus College, 241 Queen Elizabeth Drive, Kowloon City


To, All Staff

From: Jakie Mok, Secretary; Sports Development Committee

Date: May 20, 2010

A week ago, “Sports for Life” programme was sent to parents, requiring them to select a sport they wanted their child to play. Since then, our staff have received lots of calls from parents asking for more information about it. Here is a memo (备忘录) for your reference when you answer the phones.

Sport1: Basketball

We expect that this will be the most popular of the four sports. Therefore, students should be advised to sign up as soon as possible. Students will take a private bus to and from Kwun Tong Sports Park. To cover the cost of hiring a bus, each student will have to pay $10 each time. There will be four basketball courts available for our use with one teacher watching over each game.

Sport 2: Gym

We will be using St Peter’s Memorial Park. There are two reasons for choosing this park. First, it is not very busy and crowded before 6:00pm.Second, it has a lot of trees with plenty of shade. Students must bring along two bottles of water to prevent thirst. Three activities, skipping, jogging, outdoor aerobics (有氧运动), all of which are free of charge, will be arranged. And there will be a teacher on duty for each of the activities.

Sport 3: Hiking

Hiking (远足) will take place at Kowloon Peak. The activity will start at 2:30 pm and finish 90 minutes later. Three teachers will accompany the students, and a hiking instructor will accompany each group of 15 hikers. Each instructor will cost $75/hr. Students are advised to bring plenty of water and sunscreen.

Sport 4: Swimming

The Kowloon City Aquatic Centre is a 10-minute walk from our school.Four teachers will go to the pool and conduct the goings-on from the poolside. We will only be able to reserve the pool for one hour (i.e.2:45pm to 3: 45 pm). Only students skilful at swimming can take up this activity. The pool will have two lifeguards present. Girls must wear a swimming suit. The cost is $10 per visit.

1. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Students participating in gym should arrive at 6:00 pm.

B. Students selecting basketball had better register early.

C. Hiking usually begins at 2:30 pm and lasts two hours.

D. Students having swimming suits can take up swimming.

2. It can be concluded that________.

A. each sport will take only one hour         B. students will be charged for the four sports

C. teachers will accompany students on each sport   D. all the sports will take place at Kowloon Peak

3. The purpose of the memo is to________.

A. attract students’ interest in the programme

B. require the parents to select a sport for their child

C. help the staff explain the programme to the parents

D. remind teachers and lifeguards to be present on time

【答案】1. B    2. C    3. C


这是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了Columbus College为学生家长提供的关于生命在于运动活动的相关信息。


细节理解题。根据Sports 1: Basketball中的We expect that this will be the most popular of the four sports. Therefore, students should be advised to sign up as soon as possible.(我们预计这将是四项运动中最受欢迎的。因此,应该建议学生尽快报名)可知,篮球是该大学一个很受欢迎的运动,因此要参加篮球队的人,必须尽早报名。故选B


细节理解题。根据Sports 1: Basketball中的There will be four basketball courts available for our use with one teacher watching over each game.( 有四个篮球场可供我们使用,每一场比赛都有一位老师监督)Sports 2: Gym中的there will be a teacher on duty for each of the activities(每项活动都将有一名老师值班)Sports3: Hiking中的Three teachers will accompany the students(三位老师将陪同学生)以及Sports 4: Swimming中的teachers will go to the pool and conduct the goings-on from the poolside(老师们会到泳池边指导比赛)可知,这四个运动项目都是有老师在陪伴学生的。故选C项。


推理判断题。根据第一段Here is a memo (备忘录) for your reference when you answer the phones.(这是一份备忘录,供你接电话时参考)可知,备忘录的目的就是帮助员工向家长介绍孩子可参加的运动项目。故C项。

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