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内蒙古通辽和市赤峰市部分学校联考2022届高三上学期10月联考质量检测试题(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试卷
  • 教材版本不限
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小1001 K
  • 更新时间2022/8/4 16:51:42
    下载统计今日0 总计1
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Write On is the longest-running literary journal of writing for kids in New Zealand. We celebrate the best of children's writing and provide an opportunity for publication. The magazine is published twice yearly in Winter and Summer.

New Competition for Issue 55: What Year Is It?

We've had enough of 2020 already! So your challenge is to write a story of up to 400 words set in ANY OTHER YEAR. That could be 2019, 5 BC, or 3020! The trick will land us right in the middle of the most important part of the story!

Thanks to Scorpio Books' generosity, the prizes for the competition are as follows:

YEARS 4-6: Two winners will receive a $ 20 Scorpio Books voucher(代金券).

YEARS 7-8: Two winners will receive a $ 30 Scorpio Books voucher.

YEARS 9-10: Two winners will receive a $ 50 Scorpio Books voucher.

Competition Submission Guidelines, Terms and Conditions

●All submissions must be made via this online form.

●Please format your work in size 12, Times New Roman, black. Only .doc or .pdf files are accepted.

●Please rule pictures out—let your wonderful writing create the pictures.

●All entries will be judged blind, so please don't write down your name or school on your entry.

●The entry fee is $ 5 per entry or $ 25 for six entries from a school.

●Winning entries will come out in Issue 55, about one and a half months after the closing date of October 23.

1. What do we know about the competition?

A. It is aimed at foreigners.                                           B. It is supported by Scorpio Books.

C. It is free for all participants.                                      D. It is held every two years.

2. What is the requirement for the competitors?

A. Sending their works only as PDFs.                            B. Submitting their works by mail.

C. Attaching no pictures to their works.                         D. Including their names on their works.

3 What benefit can the winners get from the competition?

A. Getting their works published in December.

B. Receiving free copies of the magazine.

C. Being awarded at least $ 20 in cash.

D. Having a chance to tour New Zealand.

【答案】1. B    2. C    3. A


【分析】这是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了Write On杂志的基本情况及其最新征文比赛的主题、奖品、要求等。

【详解】1.细节理解题。根据New Competition for Issue 55: What Year Is It? 部分中的Thanks to Scorpio Books' generosity, the prizes for the competition are as follows:)”(由于Scorpio Books的大方,比赛奖品如下)可知,比赛的奖品是由Scorpio Books提供的,也就是说比赛受到了Scorpio Books的赞助,故选B

2.细节理解题。根据Competition Submission Guidelines, Terms and Conditions部分中的Please rule pictures out—let your wonderful writing create the pictures”(请不要带图片--让你美妙的写作创作出图片)可知,参赛作品是不能带有图片的,故选C

3.细节理解题。根据Competition Submission Guidelines, Terms and Conditions部分中的Winning entries will come out in Issue 55, about one and a half months after the closing date of October23”(在提交时间1023之后,获胜者的作品将在大约一个半月之后出版在第55期的Write On杂志上)可知,在截止时间是1023日之后,获胜者的作品将在大约一个半月之后出版在第55期的Write On杂志上,故选A

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