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  • 更新时间2022/9/5 17:18:57
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The season of ice cream treats is in full swing. Nothing captures pure joy and innocence like an ice cream cone (蛋筒) dripping down your hand.

But hove you ever wondered why some ice cream just stands apart from all the others? What really makes good ice cream? Well, here’s how to tell high-quality ice cream without even Lasting it.

Let the ingredients speak

High-quality ice cream is always made with real vanilla (香草) nuts, chocolate or fruit. On the other hand, if you’ve ever looked closely at the ingredients of ice cream from less fancy brands, you may have noticed that they only say “vanilla flavored”, or “chocolate flavored”. This is because they don’t contain real vanilla or chocolate.

Check the butterfat (乳脂) content

What differences do butterfat make? Besides making ice cream taste less like frozen milk, butterfat gives the product a creamy texture and a good flavor. In order to even be called ice cream in the United States, the product must contain at least 10 percent butterfat, according to the Food and Drug Administration’s regulations. High-quality brands of ice cream usually contain anywhere from 13 to 17 percent butterfat.

Take home the heavier one

Ice cream mixlure8 have air pumped into them as they freeze. Air is essential, or ice cream would be as hard as rock. The legal limit for the amount of air in the US is 100 percent. A more dense (浓的) ice cream will be creamier and will melt more slowly in the mouth.

But how can we tell which ice cream has less air in it? Well, one tiling you should know about ice cream is that it’s usually sold by volume, not by weight. The containers may be equal in size, but one ice cream may be denser than another and therefore weighs more.

1. Which of the following can be called good ice cream according to the text?

A. The ice cream without any butterfat in it.

B. The vanilla or chocolate flavored ice cream,

C. The ice cream which tastes like frozen milk.

D. The ice cream with 15 percent butterfat in it.

2. How can we judge which ice cream has less air?

A. By the brand.                                                          B. By the weight.

C. By the ingredients.                                                   D. By the shape.

3. What is the text mainly about?

A. The brands of food.                                                 B. The safely of food.

C. The identification of food.                                        D. The origins of food.

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