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浙江省诸暨市海亮高级中学2021-2022学年高一上学期期中考试 试题(英语)
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  • 资源类别试卷
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  • 适用年级高一年级
  • 文件大小923 K
  • 更新时间2022/11/11 8:31:16
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Imagine standing on one spot where the only direction is south. You can experience it if you join a group of just 128 passengers for your tip to the pole of the world. Your icebreaker ship, 50 Years of Victory, will take you to the North Pole, which is more commonly associated (联系) with fairy tales.

Days 1&2--From Helsinki to Murmansk

Your adventure begins from Helsinki, Finland’s capital. From Helsinki, you’ll join your fellow passengers on the flight to Murmansk, Russia, where you’ll start your voyage to the North Pole and get to know 50 Years of Victory.

Days 3-6--Travelling towards the north in the Arctic Ocean

Being on Victory and feeling the icebreaker as it cuts through the Arctic pack ice is an experience you’ll never forget. You’ll have plenty of time to get to know your shipmates, and be treated to lectures and discussions about the trip by Our expedition (远征) team while seeing various birds. There are other things you can do, such as swimming and playing basketball.


Take photos, call your family and wave a flag; just be sure to enjoy your moment at the pole. If environmental conditions permit, you can jump into the icy waters around the North Pole. We’ll also attempt to send passengers high above the pole in our hot-air balloon to celebrate this great moment (highly weather d?pendent).

Days 8 & 9--Travelling towards the south in the Arctic Ocean

As you head further south, you may get lucky and spot polar bears hunting for seals.

Days 10 & 11--Franz Josef Land

This group of 191 islands lies entirely within the Arctic Circle. Here you’ll explore Cape Flora and discover historic remains from three ill-fated arctic adventures.

Days 12 & 13--Getting off Victory in Murmansk and flying to Helsinki

When you return to Murmansk, it will be time to say goodbye to 50 Years of Victory. You’ll be sent to the airport for your flight to Helsinki.

1. What can passengers do from Day 3 to Day 6?

A. Break the pack ice in the Arctic.                                B. Get to know more about the trip.

C. Feed a variety of birds on board.                               D. Compete with your shipmates in skiing.

2. Which of the following highly depends on the weather at the North Pole?

A. Taking a hot-air balloon ride.                                     B. Sending passengers deep into the icy waters.

C. Contacting your family by telephoning.                      D. Waving flags and taking photos in the wind.

3. When is it possible for you to discover historic remains?

A. From Day 3 to Day 6.                                              B. From Day 8 to Day9.

C. On-Days 10 & 11.                                                   D. On Days 12 & 13.


【答案】1. B    2. A    3. C

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