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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本人教版(新教材)
  • 适用年级高二年级
  • 文件大小931 K
  • 更新时间2023/7/31 10:41:02
    下载统计今日0 总计0
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Films for you!


A true classic, this Peanuts cartoon gives many viewers a sense of nostalgia (怀旧). Return to the iconic moment when Lucy pulls the football away from Charlie Brown right as he's about to kick it. Life is hard, but in this animated film, sweetness wins when the Peanuts group prepares a Thanksgiving feast, complete with jelly beans.

Planes, TrainsandAutomobiles(1987)

This John Hughes comedy starring Steve Martin and John Candy is already a Thanksgiving classic for many. Neal ends up rerouting the plane because of a snowstorm. As he struggles to find a way home for Thanksgiving, he gets stuck with extremely positive Del.


Meryl Streep was nominated (提名) for an Academy Award for her performance in this movie as a wife and mom who struggles with cancer. Renée Zellweger plays the grown daughter who has to come home to help with the holiday. The two try to hold the family together, especially during a tense Thanksgiving meal when guests get all the attention.


Charlie Chaplin as the Little Tramp eats his shoe for Thanksgiving dinner while trapped in a snowstorm in this endearing silent film classic from 1925.Watch this one if you're in the mood to see a leather shoe prepared and eaten as if it were a delicious turkey. It makes you grateful for what you have!

21What could ACharlieBrownThanksgiving remind many viewers of?

ABirth of animated films.    BHistory of football games.

CTaste of jelly beans.    DSweet memories of old days.

22Which film best suits people who want to see a leather shoe eaten?

ATheGoldRush.    BACharlieBrownThanksgiving.

COneTrueThing.    DPlanes, TrainsandAutomobiles.

23What do these four films have in common?

AThey are related to Thanksgiving.    BThey tell interesting family stories.

CThey describe the holiday activities.    DThey are based on the authors' own life.

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