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  • 更新时间2023/11/20 14:51:14
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Want to know about the biggest page-turners in 2020 for your kids before you buy? Check out our list of New York Times best-selling chapter books.

A Tale of Magic

age 12+


Imaginative, lively tale.

Chris Colfer|Fantasy|2019

Brystal Evergreen lives in a country where women are forbidden to read. She is a bookworm, trying to find creative ways of getting books. One day Brystal uncovers a secret area of the library and finds a book about magic that changes her life forever…

A Wolf Called Wander

age 14+


Exciting & vivid

autobiography of a wolf.

Rosanne Parry|Animals|2019

Swift,  a young wolf cub(幼崽),  lived with his pack in the mountains learning to hunt when they were attacked,  and Swift got separated from his family. Alone and scared. Swift must escape and find a new home…

The Field Guide to the North American Teenager

age 15+


A funny story of an immigrant teen facing culture shock in U. S.

Ben Philippe|Coming of Age|2020

Norris, a 14-year-old Black French Canadian, arrives in Texas, where his mother gets a teaching job at a university. Though lacking knowledge about U. S. high school life, he tries hard to build a new life…


21What do we know about Brystal Evergreen?

A. She is full of imagination.                            B. She discovered a secret library.

C. She wrote A Tale of Magic.                          D. She is fond of reading books.

22A Wolf Called Wander and The Field Guide to the North American Teenager are both____________.

A. centered on animals                                     B. highly recommended

C. vivid autobiographies                                   D. happening on campus

23Who is the article probably written for?

A. Children                  B. Writers                    C. Parents                    D. Publishers

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