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云南省2015年高三第二次统一检测 英语(WORD版)
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  • 资源类别试卷
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  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小617 K
  • 更新时间2015/4/21 10:22:13
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云南省2015年高三第二次统一检测 英语(WORD版)2015.04
第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
In 1992, I had just launched a new business called Video News International.
It was the world's first video journalist network. The idea was to cover news and sell the service to news organizations.
One day, a young intern (实习生) who was working for us named Anthony Lappe pulled me aside.
"There is something you have to see," he told me. "Comcast is doing this really cool thing."
"The Internet," he said. "It's going to be really big."
Anthony later introduced me to the head of the Internet project.
"We are looking for content to put on our network here," the guy said to me.
Well, I said I had lots of content to offer.
The guy's eyes lit up. "Cool," he said. "We would like to put it on our network."
Well, I was always looking for new clients.
"What are you going to pay?" I asked.
He said that they could not pay anything for the content, but they would set up a URL for me.
"What's that?" I asked.
"It's kind of like your address on the web."
"What would I do with this URL thing?"
"Well, it could be your business."
"I don't see how it is a business, and there's not even any advertising," I cleverly replied.
"Not yet," he said. "But one day there might be."
I thought about it for two seconds.
"Naah..." I said. "I've got bigger fish to fry. I've got to be going now. Maybe we can cooperate next time."
And I walked out.
Well, that Internet thing turned out to be so much bigger than I had thought. I wish I had never made such a mistake. Sorry Anthony. You were right.
1. The head of the Internet project expected the author to _______.
A. become a user of their product B. put advertisements on their web
C. provide video news for their network D. get an email address from the Internet
2. The guy's offer was rejected because the author ______
A. didn't think it a good deal B. was unwilling to trust a stranger
C. was too occupied to start a new business D. was worried about the safety of e-business

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