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【xs】2015-2016学年高中英语(人教版必修二)配套完型填空周周练 Test 22
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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本新人教版(现行教材)
  • 适用年级高一年级
  • 文件大小670 K
  • 更新时间2015/8/10 10:25:32
    下载统计今日0 总计5
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It was very late that Mr.and Mrs.Davies took time off to do their Christmas shopping.There were only a few __1__ more before Christmas,and of course the __2__ and streets were terribly __3__,but they had to get __4__ for their family and friends,so they __5__ early one morning for the downtown,and spent several tiring hours buying the things they __6__ in the big shops.
__7__,Mr.Davies was carrying parcels of all shapes and sizes.He could hardly __8__ where he was going __9__ he and his wife left the last shop on their way to the railway station __10__ home.Outside the shop they had to cross a busy street made even __11__ than usual by the thousands of people who had come by car to do their __12__ Christmas shopping.
Mr.and Mrs.Davies had to wait for the traffic lights to turn green,__13__ as Mr.Davies could not see very well in front of him,he __14__ moved forward into the street without realizing __15__.Mrs.Davies saw this and became __16__.Many times she told him to __17__ off the street,but __18__.
Finally she shouted in a voice above all __19__,“Henry!If you want to stand in that dangerous __20__ a moment longer,give me the parcels!”
1.A.hours                    B.days                                                           
C.weeks                      D.months                                                       
2.A.roads                    B.cities                                                          
C.houses                     D.shops                                                         
3.A.crowded               B.busy                                                           
C.beautiful                  D.noisy                                                         
4.A.food                     B.clothes                                                       
C.presents                   D.money                                                       
5.A.started out             B.set down
C.put out                    D.took down
6.A.spent                    B.wanted                                                       
C.bought                     D.used                                                           
7.A.Until noon            B.In the day­time                                                

C.At down       D.By lunch time            

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