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【xs】2015-2016学年高中英语(人教版必修二)配套完型填空周周练 Test 13
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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本新人教版(现行教材)
  • 适用年级高一年级
  • 文件大小670 K
  • 更新时间2015/8/10 10:39:06
    下载统计今日0 总计5
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The hotel was in a __1__ street and seemed to agree with one who __2__ a good sleep after a tiring trip.The woman manager __3__ me to my room.When I asked her about dinner,she said it was __4__ at six and I had __5__it.
“__6__,I’m not very hungry,” I said in a friendly voice, “I’ll just have a __7__ and then go to a restaurant.”
“What!”she said,raising her eyebrows (眉毛).“This is a respectable hotel,young man,If you want,__8__ go somewhere else.” She spoke as if a glass of beer were a __9__ liquid (液体).
I felt my __10__ back through the dark street after dining outside.I knocked loudly at the door but nobody __11__.It was a long time __12__ the lady opened the door, “What is going on?” she said __13__.“Guests are to be back by ten,The rule is for everyone.”
I went to my room and __14__ to sleep.The bed was hard and the sheets and blankets were damp (潮湿的).__15__ of all,the whole hotel trembled (发抖) when the church clock __16__ every quarter of an hour,just before dawn,I finally went to sleep.
“Did you sleep well last night,young man?”asked the old lady the next morning.
“__17__ speaking,I don’t think I could __18__ another night here,” I replied.“I __19__ slept at all.”
“That’s because you were __20__ all night drinking!” she said disapprovingly (不许可地).
1.A.modern                 B.dark                                                           
C.crowded                  D.quiet                                                          
2.A.needed                  B.took                                                           
C.slept                        D.tried                                                          
3.A.called                   B.showed                                                       
C.pointed                    D.sent                                                           
4.A.eaten                    B.prepared                                                     
C.cooked                    D.served                                                        
5.A.forgotten              B.taken                                                          
C.missed                     D.ordered                                                      
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